Make Open Source Easy And Simple
The Home of Open Source Ecosystem.

Open Tools
We provide tools and services to monitor and manage 4 pillars of IT Infrastructures – Database, Server, Network and Storage. We also provide unified monitoring tool —or using an integrated platform that monitors your entire IT infrastructure, including physical, virtual, and cloud. This is our proven strategy for reducing service outages, increasing end user and IT productivity, optimizing capital investment, and maintaining industry compliance.

Open Academy
Moseas Academy offers a variety of workshops and training options to suit organizations of all size. We also offer open in-person workshop and training classes around the world taught by our own instructors and solution architects. Training and workshops are designed for DBAs, Architects, Developers, Data Analysts and more. Training modes – On Demand, Classroom, Live Online. Validate your skills and become certified expert within your organization.

Open Jobs
Moseas strives to put Open Source job seekers first, giving them free access to search for jobs, post resumes, and research companies. Every day, we connect open source professionals around the world to new opportunities. We provide you the ability to get hired like no one else can. We are changing the way people think about Open Source communities.

Open Consulting
We are professional software engineering firm specializing in open source consulting for business, government, and non-profits. We have been designing and building applications featuring open source technology for over 15+ years. Moseas’s solutions radically reduce overhead through upfront savings on deployment & maintenance.